
Was it a morning like this?

As I understand it, we all attempt to reason with ourselves during some part of our day. At some point in a major decision we either weigh pros vs. cons or attempt to find a logical solution to an irrational problem. Reason is a key aspect separating humans from many other animals - we need not rely on instinct, in fact, we are often encouraged to ignore instinct.

Every weekday morning my alarm goes off. The time is not consistent, it is all based on when i went to bed. The consistent aspect of the morning is found in what happens internally as soon as the alarm sounds. I begin to reason with myself.

"Get out of bed."
"It's too early."
"You are the one who set the alarm this early."
"Yeah, I admit I was a bit zealous last night, but I should have the right to ignore it."
"You have the right, but that makes you weak."
"You realize you are calling yourself weak?"
"Ok, if you get up now you can take a super-long shower."
"Not good enough..."
"And, I will let you take a nap this afternoon when you get home."
"Because you always say that, and then you get too busy."
"Naw, I promise."

Inevitably, however, as soon as I get in the shower and the sleepiness is washed from me...

"You tricked me. You aren't going to let me take a nap...I'm not even that tired."
"Works every time."

This could explain my self loathing.


Tammie's Thoughts said...

NO BODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND like to hear the alarm clock go off! If I can just have a couple of mornings a week that I don't have to get up with an alarm clock but just sleep until I wake up it makes all the difference in the world how I feel! Can't wait til Christmas week...we're taking our immediate family to Colorado for a week. Tim and Joe are going to ski/skateboard. Laura, Her husband, John, and I are going to read and relax! Been so long since I read any thing except a text book I can't wait!!! Happy Holidays to you!

*K* said...

i really appreciate the title of this post.

alice-anne said...

i'm not sure if the most disturbing thing about this post is that you talk to yourself...or that a similar scenario happens when MY alarm clock goes off. my mornings go:
"get up."
(snooze for 8 minutes)
"get up."
"that's not actually the alarm. it's a joke."
"get up."
(snooze for 8 minutes)
"okay, i'll turn the alarm off. i'm just gonna lay here with my eyes closed to wake up."
(snooze for 8 minutes OR go back to sleep for good)